Go Fish!

Well its another Monday morning. (Yayy, right?) Post Valentines Day and I hope everyone just had a great day. If you did not, well you can't do anything about yesterday but you can sure do something about today. (hint, hint). Ironically, when I'm feeling down, helping someone else seems to do it for me. Yep, listening to someone else's problems. (Lord knows I have my own). But there is something about helping someone else that does our soul some good. So today, I challenge you this week to Go Fish. Now I don't mean actually go fishing (duh). What I mean is fish for someone you can lend a helping hand to. Maybe they need a listening ear or some sound advice. Maybe they need help on a particular project or problem. Whatever it is, do what you can. For just a minute, get out of yourself and how you feel and be a help to someone else. Honestly, in the whole scheme of things, you'll find out that your problems don't compare to what they could be. When we help others, somehow, our problems that were once so big begin to shrink into right perspective. So, whoever you are, where ever you are, GO FISH! And help someone else be better today!

2 Response to Go Fish!

  1. acts10 says:

    moniqueshurray you are so right. Helping others is like medicine for a sad spirit. It's like a month or so ago when everyone was and maybe still is in a H1N1 scare, because they felt that someone near them may be contagious. Well, what if we were just contagious with doing good!!! No one would want to mask themselves from catching the G1N1 "good neighbor" virus..haha.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Here's a commentary I wrote called "How NOT To Fish" http://intlbible.com/ebooks

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